Monday, June 25, 2012

Ask and ye shall receive, knock and it shall be opened to you

Hello everyone!!! It is beautiful in the Tropical Storm of Sunny Florida!! So rainy it makes me feel like I am at home!!
Okay, so the subject of this email is "Ask and ye shall receive, knock and it shall be opened to you". Recently our district leader, Elder Gubler, gave us a talk by Elder Holland titled "Urgency". I have been out almost 10 months (gag me!) and this was for me. The Lord rebuked me. In this talk Elder Holland mentions that this phrase is the most repeated phrase in the standard works. WOW! I knew this, didnt I? Joseph Smith followed this example and we ask people to follow it, then why the heck havent I been? Well Brothers and Sisters, I want you all to know that I repented and I now know that if you ASK God, He will give it to you. Now some of you might be thinking, "Well I dont get what I ask for!" The cool thing is the Lord answers in 3 ways, never no: 1. Yes. 2. Not right now. or 3. I have something better for you.  We have an eternal, loving Father who loves us. If we ask, liberally (freely), He wont upbraided (slap our hands).
So with all that......ASK GOD AND HE WILL GIVE YOU!! Need a job? Ask Him to lead you! Want help overcoming an addiction? ASK HIM! Need help understanding His Gospel? ASK HIM!! Need help loving others?? ASK!!!! Want to feel His love?? ASK ASK ASK!!!
As a missionary, all I want to do is fullfill my purpose and teach the restored Gospel. I want to invtie people to His church and helpt hem to be baptized and receiving the Gift of the Holy Ghost. My desires are righteous but I was missing part of the equation. I didnt ask Him. This is His work so He needs to be apart of it.
Moral of the story? Ask and then act. Heavenly Father will never lead you astray!
Well this week was great! We are working hard!! I love this work! I am so blessed. The things I have learned on my mission i could never learn anywhere else. I know I have a Heavenly Father who loves me, He sent His Son, Jesus Christ and Christ did more for me than I can ever give back. I know of this because I have felt the spirit in my life.
One last invite.....if you have a testimony of the BOM write it down and send it to me! Sister Kerns and I are putting testimonies in BOMs to give away! Its way cool!!
Well i love you all!!
sister ploth.

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Monday, June 18, 2012


Hello Everyone! So transfer 7 and week 1 done! This past week I hit my 9 month! Wow! So cool!! I really love this work!!
Okay, fun! Sister Kerns is great! She was ready to hit the ground running and knock doors. I think she was a little disappointed when we didnt. haha. But we eventually did and she loved it! She also invited Beverly to be baptized on July 14th. She was stumbling over her words, I was praying so hard for her, and then Beverly says, "Well what is it Sister Kerns?? SPIT IT OUT!!" haha. So funny but she accepted and we are excited. We planned out the next 3 weeks for her last night, filled with some amazing spiritual experience! Keep her in your prayers!!
Friday something way cool happend! We were at the library mormon.orging and a guy walks up to us and says, "I was a missionary once! Here have dinner on me!" And gave us $10! I have heard of stuff like that happening , but never saw it. It was way cool!
Hmmm what else can I share? This week I really liked Doctorine and Covenants 62:3   Nevertheless, ye are ablessed, for the btestimony which ye have borne is crecorded in heaven for the angels to look upon; and they rejoice over you, and your dsins are forgiven you.
So after reading that I immediatly wrote down my testimony. Of course I want it to be recorded in Heaven!! I want you all to know that I have a LIVING Testimony of this Gospel. Awhile ago SIster Hamm wrote me and I often find myself reflecting back that this Gospel is ALIVE. Christ is Alive. Repentance is a real principle. Faith is the first principle of the Gospel, and repentance is the second. Without those two things I am nothing.
We taught the Relief Society lesson this Sunday, it was chapter 12 of President George A. Smith and it was called  "An Enthusiastic Desire to Share the Gospel" What a perfect lesson for the missionaries to teach. As Sister Kerns and I went over it, I imagined the Plan of Salvation and how we lived with Heavenly Father as a FAMILY, we come down as a FAMILY (different families, but still we are all spirit brothers and sisters), and we want to return as a FAMILY. I often find myself really understanding this work. I am 9 months out and just begining to understand my purpose. In some ways, I dont want to go home. I want to serve, love, and share what I know to be true everyday of my life! The people of the Orlando, Florida area are children of God and they need Him. I loved what Sister Kerns said early this week as she was looking at out area map..."We are responsilbe for all these people in this area" And we are! I will leave with my favorite paragraph from the lesson, that made me cry but its what every missionary feel!
My Heavenly Father … has called me to go to many parts of the earth, and more than a million miles have been traversed since I was called into the ministry. I have traveled in many lands and climes, and wherever I have gone I have found good people, sons and daughters of the living God who are waiting for the gospel of Jesus Christ, and there are thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions of them, who would be accepting the truth if they only knew what we know.10
Well until next time, Brothers and Sisters, all my love, Sister Ploth.
Pic 1: Picking Sister Kerns up!
Pic 2: I finished my journal last night!!!

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Monday, June 11, 2012

I'm expecting a baby....

GIRL!!! Yes, you read that right! This transfer I will be training!! Her name is Sister Kerns.
I got the call last Wednesday. Sister Staley and I were so sad to be leaving one another. I love her so much and we beleive its because we got along so well. But the Lord is trusting me with one His servants. We had a trainers' meeting on Friday and listening to a talk by Elder Holland that basically says the way you train your new missionary is the way she will be for the rest of her life! No pressure, right?? I am really excited because I loved Sister Durr and I want to pass down her legacy..haha. The sad thing is, my unrealistic side is comong out, you know what I am talking about Mom. (: I want everything to be PERFECT! I have even tried to figure out how I can make her breakfast....haha. Sister Staley brought me back down to earth, Thank goodness. So today will be filled with goodbyes and  packing. She gets into Orlando around 4pm and I get her tomorrow at about 10am. Defiantly keep us in your prayers!!
Another funny thing...this week is my 9 month mark, so Sister Staley made trhe comment, "Well of course you are are at 9months!" hahaha.
This week was great! We still cant find a lot of our weird. But the ones we have are doing well. Sister Pam Smith came out with us to teach Bob. She is a recent convert and her husband was just baptized a week ago and she is so excited about the Gospel. They are a great couple! I love Sister Smith.
Gene and Pug are doing well,. they are our Florida Grandparents we teach. Gene is straight out of a John Wayne movie. Pug  came to church. She is so sweet. Pug is just a nickname. dont worry. They are from North Carolina.
We have had some crazy rain here! Last night lots of lightning. Pretty but scary!
Wel this transfer has been awesome and I am excited to start this new one with my Baby Girl!! haha. Def keep us in your prayers!! Ya'll are in mine!!
The Atonement is real! Repentance is a true principle. Obedience to the Lord's commandments helps us progress!! I have a testimony of all this! I love my mission and I love the Gospel!!
Keep the Faith!!
love, Sister Ploth.
Picture Attatched: Last transfer District...Jumping shot!

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Monday, June 4, 2012

1/2 way!

Hello all!!! Week 6..oh my heck!! Coming up on 9 months so that means I am half way there...or am I just starting? You be the judge!!

Well, Brothers and Sisters, Heavenly Father is a loving Heavenly Father. I have learned so much this week. Specifically, its not always Satan "trying to get you" BUT Heavenly Father seeing if you are going to be obedient. We had so much cancelled appointments and back ups blow up. We could have quit and stopped working BUT we didnt! We found work. We served, we taught, we tempted to find. And the week was bittersweet. This week I gained a testimony of the hymns! THey are powerful. So much doctorine and principles taught in them. Lately I have been humming "Come Come Ye Saints"   How grateful I am for the hymns. We have even been able to sing to some members. What an experience. i invite you all to read the Preface in the front of the hymn book. Lots of promises and direction from the Lord. (I am running out of time!! ack!!)

Hmmmm...what else?? I had an amazing letter in my head. I want you all to know how great I know this work is. This week we had no investigators at church but we had 5 less actives we are teaching come!! WOW!! What a tender mercy!!

I hope you all have a great week!! Thanks for all the letters. I really felt the love this week!!

love always, Sister Ploth.

Come, come, ye saints, no toil nor labor fear;
But with joy wend your way.
Though hard to you this journey may appear,
Grace shall be as your day.
Tis better far for us to strive
Our useless cares from us to drive;
Do this, and joy your hearts will swell -
All is well! All is well!

Why should we mourn or think our lot is hard?
'Tis not so; all is right.
Why should we think to earn a great reward
If we now shun the fight?
Gird up your loins; fresh courage take.
Our God will never us forsake;
And soon we'll have this tale to tell-
All is well! All is well!

We'll find the place which God for us prepared,
Far away, in the West,
Where none shall come to hurt or make afraid;
There the saints, will be blessed.
We'll make the air, with music ring,
Shout praises to our God and King;
Above the rest these words we'll tell -
All is well! All is well!

And should we die before our journey's through,
Happy day! All is well!
We then are free from toil and sorrow, too;
With the just we shall dwell!
But if our lives are spared again
To see the Saints their rest obtain,
Oh, how we'll make this chorus swell-
All is well! All is well!

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