Hello Everyone!! Here I am at the Public Library in Eustis, Florida! Oh my do I love it! Its a lot like Monroe! Crazy. Really cute and country. Our area is HUGE so we have to be full car and there is really no place to bike. Oh man how do I miss Peggy (my bike). The ward (congergation) is HUGE though. Everyone is so missionary minded. And there are a TON of old people. haha. So funny. No snowbirds though.
My new companion is Sis Staley. She is from Wyoming and she is a hunter. She has been out 4 transfers and she still has that new missionary fire! I LOVE her. We are the SAME person!! Its crazy! She will say something she likes and I like the same thing and I say what I like and she likes the same thing. We laugh so much! She is wonderful. Another cool thing is that everything she wants to improve on, Sis Christensen taught me (using scriputres more, member lessons, contacting, ect). . Sis Staley really understands the Priesthood Keyes and explains it so clearly when I just want to DO IT. We are communicating well and we have set goals for things we want to accomplish. The neatest thing is seeing how I had the same concerns when I was her "mission age" so I hope we are able to help one another. Overall, I LOVE HER!!
The area is doing well. It seems when transfers come around and someone gets moved, things fall apart that first week or so. We were talking about it to Elder Stratford and I liked what he said, "Its the Lord testing us and seeing how faithful we are. And invetigator wise, its to see if that investigators are converted to the gospel or to the missionaries". We have some ideas and we are working with the WML to get the ball going.
Our teaching pool is small but what we have we are working hard with. We have one, Jason, who has a baptism date for this month. He just needs to overcome the W.O.W. so defiantly keep him in your prayers. He is way cool guy. He will be my first white guy baptism. ahaha. We are also working with a family whose son just turned 9 today so he will be considered a convert baptism. They are way cool. However, whenever I am around little kids (especially boys from 8-10) I just want to hug them because I think they are Kai! haha.
Oh and another thing...we share the ward with the Zone Leaders (Elders). Elder Goodrich and Elder Rumsey. I knew Elder Rumsey because he served in the Spanish Ward in my previous area and I met Elder Rusmey at the last zone conference. Both way cool Elders!! Attatched is a picture of our first sunday...we all wore yellow!!
Sis Staley and I saw 2 alligators! We got out and and took pictures of them (my first ones in florida!!) They were in the water and one saw us and looked at us (maybe not but thats what it seemed!) and it look like it was coming towards us!!! Sis Staley asks me how fast gators run and I recalled from Swamp People "oh about 30 to 40mph" Sis Staley said "okay...LETS GO!" and runs off. haha so funny. I also got stung by a wasp!! 2nd time on my mission! Oh man I was so mad! It was on Saturday.
Well thats about it! Mothers Day is in a week...so excited!! Keep us in your prayers! We are working hard!!
love always.
Sister Ploth
Micah: I got yout letter and annoucnment this week at the mission office. CONGRATS!! But you didnt put a return addy......oh man....
Allen: Sorry I didnt say anything about your email last week...thanks!! I look forward to your letter.
TayTay Robertson: I have been thinking about you LOTS! Expect a letter soon!!
And if [[Sister Missionaries]] come unto me I will show unto them their weakness. I give unto [[Sisters]] weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all [[Sisters]] that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them.
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