11 We claim the privilege of worshiping Almighty God according to the dictates of our own conscience, and allow all men the same privilege, let them worship how, where, or what they may.
12 We believe in being subject to kings, presidents, rulers, and magistrates, in obeying, honoring, and sustaining the law.
I picked these two to share this week in order for others to have a better understanding of the LDS Church. We believe everyone has a right to worship how they please and we arent here to take away from anyone, just build on to what they know to be true. If they want. We dont forec anything on it. Also, church and state are seperate but we know that our religious views effect the way we see the world and how we beleive the things should be done. The next article of faith, we believe in goverment. So we beleive in being active in goverment. We live in a country where we are free to choose. Heavenyl Father paved the way for the Restoration of the Gospel to be in this country for that reason. So we need to ACT. And this week I was able to exercise my right as an American Citizen. And just some fun facts about the church and goverment.
The Church does not:
- Endorse, promote or oppose political parties, candidates or platforms.
- Allow its church buildings, membership lists or other resources to be used for partisan political purposes.
- Attempt to direct its members as to which candidate or party they should give their votes to. This policy applies whether or not a candidate for office is a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
- Attempt to direct or dictate to a government leader.
The Church does:
- Encourage its members to play a role as responsible citizens in their communities, including becoming informed about issues and voting in elections.
- Expect its members to engage in the political process in an informed and civil manner, respecting the fact that members of the Church come from a variety of backgrounds and experiences and may have differences of opinion in partisan political matters.
- Request candidates for office not to imply that their candidacy or platforms are endorsed by the Church.
- Reserve the right as an institution to address, in a nonpartisan way, issues that it believes have significant community or moral consequences or that directly affect the interests of the Church.
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